Sunday 4 July 2021



An unusual adventure

Trevor is out in the field, and it is sheep-dipping time. Everything is set up and he and his farm hands began sheep-dipping. As the last sheep went through, and is released out into the field, he felt pleased to have this job done and dusted. Trevor loved his sheep and his farm, and nothing is too hard a chore for him.

Today is his wife Marie’s birthday. There had been a thunderstorm. Trevor looked up at the sky and saw a vivid rainbow. His wife loved to glance at rainbows after a storm, they fascinated her. The rainbow reminded him about something important. He slapped his forehead and said to his best friend, Charlie, “Oh no, I haven’t brought Marie anything.”

I knew you’d forgotten, and so, I hope you don’t mind, I’ve brought her some flowers and a card. All you have to do is sign it.”

You’re a life-saver, Charlie, how much do I owe you?”

It’s alright mate, you can buy the drinks tonight when we go for a meal.”

A meal, I haven’t ordered a celebration meal! I feel awful, as I know I should have.”

Charlie said, “It’s all in hand, and it’s my treat – after all, you and Marie are good to me. You feed me and allow me to stay in your home. It’s my way of saying thank you.”

What time are we to be at the restaurant?” Trevor asked.

Well, we are to sit at eight, so let’s say we leave about seven o’clock.”

Trevor looked up at the clock under the farmhouse eaves. “Gosh, we had better get moving, as the cows have to be milked and that takes a couple of hours.”

No problem, let’s get on with it, and then we can get ready to go out.” Charlie is a great organiser.

When Trevor the farmer goes out, he always leaves someone to look after the farm in case something goes awry. Because there could be a problem with one of the animals or burglars might break in.

One night two years ago two burglars broke in, and they killed a lot of the laying hens, because they set light to the hen house. Those hens that survived had to be put down because they were so badly burned. They got into the house and trashed it and stole Marie’s gold and silver jewels. They were precious to her as they were what her mother and grandmother had left her. They’ve never been returned.

Trevor was a bit paranoid about leaving the farm after these things happened. But it’s his wife’s birthday and that is special.

Charlie had set this meal up knowing Trevor couldn’t duck out of it. He enjoyed doing something for them both.

They finished the milking and headed for home. Trevor spoke to Charlie saying, “Don’t mention the meal to Marie just yet, I’ll tell her after my shower. I can grab a flower from the garden. She will be happy not to have to cook.”

Trevor and Charlie had separate shower rooms and they both went up to clean up, and get themselves ready.

After Trevor had showered up, he picked out a dress for Marie; he loved the royal blue dress that looked like velvet. He went downstairs and said, “No need to cook, my love, we are going out for a meal, and you had better get ready, as we have to be sat down for eight o’clock.”

Marie didn’t need to be told twice and she quickly bounded up the stairs to shower up and get dressed.

Trevor had picked a red rose from their garden and presented it to her when she came down dressed to the nines.

Oh, Trevor, how romantic, thank you, and I feel very excited as it’s been a long time since we went for a meal.”

Yes, I know, I have been a bit of a wet blanket since all of that bad stuff happened. But you have to thank Charlie, he is the one that set this up, and it’s his treat.”

I see, so you had forgotten my birthday, then.”

I feel ashamed, Marie, as we have been very busy. I know this is a poor excuse, as you are first in my life and always have been.”

It doesn’t matter, love, I understand how busy things are at this time of year. I will forgive you if I can have some new flower plants for the garden. A few new herbs will be great as well.”

You can have whatever you want, as long as I can afford it, sweetheart.”

Marie was a little disappointed as she would have liked this meal to be for her and her husband. But never mind, it is sweet of Charlie to do this for them. (So just be grateful, girl.) It means more plants if Trevor isn’t spending money on the meal.

They were ready to leave for their treat, and Trevor made sure he had the key to the front door.

They could hear the engine of a plane passing over as they got outside. They all gazed up and saw it is a crescent moon. Trevor had picked up his walking stick as they left the house. He always took this when he went anywhere, it belonged to his father and it is a good one. It was made with a silver wolf’s head. He always felt his father was with him when he took it.

They entered the restaurant and were seated. The menu was brought to them and they were asked if they would like a fresh baked roll with butter while they waited for their meal. They all said yes, as they felt quite hungry with the smell of cooking food. And it was cooked fresh while they waited.

Trevor suddenly chuckled, as he’d brought a magnifying glass out of his pocket to read the menu. This item belonged to his mother, who needed it for reading.

Marie remarked to Charlie, “I’m surprised he hasn’t brought the whole farm with him”

Oh, he would if he could, along with all of the farm implements as well.” Charlie’s statement made Marie giggle, as she had a mental picture of the tractor and the hay bales stacked up outside of the restaurant.

Seeing her laugh made Charlie’s night, as Trevor has been so wrapped up in his own thoughts he hadn’t noticed how down Marie had looked lately. Charlie is secretly in love with Marie and he works hard to hide it. He knows that if Marie found out he would be asked to leave their home, and Trevor would never forgive him.

The threesome enjoyed their meal and Trevor and Marie danced to the music. Charlie had it in his mind to ask her to dance, but thought better of it.

A good looking blonde came and asked Charlie to dance with her. At first Charlie said no, but she insisted. It was hard for Charlie to admit, but he enjoyed himself. Angela was her name and soon they became a couple and after a year they got married. They have moved into a little farm cottage on Trevor’s land. These days, Charlie is happier than he has ever been, and now he thinks his feelings for Marie were just pure and simple loneliness.

Josie Smith

Destiny or Destination

Come on, Melanie. We need to be at the airport in about an hour to check in.”

James was making a cup of tea and putting on his trousers at the same time. Melanie reared up in bed and rubbed her eyes.

Don’t panic, James.”

Just then he wobbled over and banged his leg against the little table.

Are you alright? Every year lots of people die while dressing,” Melanie volunteered helpfully.

Thanks for that. I have hurt my knee and a bit of sympathy wouldn’t go amiss. Can you finish the tea, love?”

OK. Do you want any toast? Have we got time?”

Probably not. The taxi will be here in ten minutes.”

James was finishing dressing as he spoke. “Good job we packed last night. By the way, where are we going? I ‘m still not sure we should be going anywhere so soon after the pandemic. I thought there were a lot of places forbidden without quarantine. Should we not have waited for everywhere to be vaccinated?”

Don’t you worry. You admitted you had been working too hard and needed a break.”

Melanie had managed a quick shower and her tea. They gathered their bags and locked up just as the taxi hooted outside. James was limping slightly and Melanie thrust into his hand the walking stick she had used after breaking her ankle at the ski resort before Covid changed everything.

They arrived at the airport and popped their cases on a trolley. Melanie had already checked in online. James, who was quite short-sighted, was peering at the departure lists, looking puzzled.

He looked at the big clock which indicated 12.45. Just then Melanie grabbed his hand, saying, “We are about to board at No 16. Come along, love.”

She walked briskly along to the Departure Gate. As they went through, James held out his passport to the Attendant and she smiled at him sweetly.

On you go, Sir. Enjoy your flight.”

As they approached the plane, James realised that theirs was not an International flight and he asked, “Where are we going, Mel? I should never have let you have a free hand with this break!”

He had also realised the stick was a liability rather than an aid. When they were settled on the aeroplane Melanie explained, “I wanted to please and surprise you. We are flying to Oban and we will be able to go to some of the Islands. You have always said you have Scottish Ancestry. I know you did not really approve of travelling abroad at the moment and yet you were prepared to leave it to me. You have been working so hard it will give you an opportunity to unwind and relax. Is it OK?”

James leaned across and gave her a quick kiss.

It is a great surprise but I wish you’d told me I didn’t need my passport. I felt an idiot.”

Melanie was soon looking at maps using a magnifying glass and James convinced himself he was going to enjoy following her lead and being surprised.

After the short flight they took a taxi to their Bed and Breakfast arranged through Air B&B and were pleased to see sheep in the field next to the house. They dashed to the fence as James and Melanie passed by. This confirmed Melanie’s idea of walks, animals and healthy relaxation. The lady who owned the house gave them a key and made them very welcome. They went for a walk and to find a restaurant. They had not gone far before it started to rain but somehow this was fun as James said, “What do we expect in Scotland?”

Melanie stood stock still and pointed up ahead and there, in the distance, was a rainbow with a fluffy cloud. They found a small restaurant with lots of plaid, both in the decor and place mats and even the napkins. They had a delicious meal of black pudding, bacon, lamb chop, purple sprouting broccoli and fondant potatoes followed by puddings of whimberry pie and cream. This was accompanied by a very pleasant red wine, chosen by James.

When they left the restaurant the rain had stopped and the moon was just appearing. James bent down by a little grassy bank and when he stood up, he was holding a tiny wild orchid, which he presented to Melanie.

Will you marry me, impetuous, bossy person?” he asked.

Yes, I will marry you, vague, gullible but amenable person.”

The moon looked down on a long lingering kiss that he hoped would bode well for the future.

Linda Dalzell 14.06.21

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