Sunday 14 February 2021



Ella and the well

No one knows how many thousands of years old this well really is. Many animals have fallen into this trap and never been seen again.

Ancient human ancestors have also fallen prey to this pit and they have been lost forever. It’s too deep for any hope of rescue.

Most humans and animals have learned how to avoid these tragedies. The elders have taught the young. If you fall into this trap you won’t ever get out.

The well is directly in the path of elephant herds on the way to the water-holes.

A herd of elephants were out on a course to find water and a youngster, being green, fell into the hole.

It was curiosity that led this youngster into trouble. She wanted to know what the fuss was all about and got too close to the edge and fell.

The herd waited as long as they could but some days passed by and there was no sign of getting help for her. The herd went on without her. The young elephant’s mother was distraught, but urgently needed water, as she was becoming dehydrated, and so she moved on with the herd.

The baby was stuck and could not move and she just cried out, loudly, hoping her mother would help her, or teach her what to do. The baby was getting hungry and thirsty.

Some photographers were out taking photos for a television series. The elephant herd was of particular interest. They wanted to know how far they travelled to the precious water-holes and how long it would take them to reach it. They also wanted to know if they used the same water pools each time. It would be of a good deal of interest to the public.

They came to the edge of the pit and heard the baby’s cries. One of the young photographers almost lost his own footing.

He had heard the baby elephant’s cries and went to investigate.

It was just good blessings that they had a great team at base camp who could help.

They had to make a plan of what was needed to rescue this animal. They knew that the gap down there was deep and very narrow.

We’ll need a digger,” Josh said.

Base camp was notified and several companies were contacted and finally managed to get someone willing to come and take part.

The photographers explained why they needed it.

Those at camp then contacted the firm that was willing to help, and ordered the tools.

The voice on the end of the phone said, “I know where you are and I know what I need to bring besides the digger. That well is well-known for incidents like this. I will be with them in about two hours, quicker if I can. I will bring a tub of water with me, as the animal will be very thirsty.”

Oh great, and the animal isn’t the only one who needs a drink, I’m parched,” Patrick said, relieved to hear there was water coming.

The TV crew had brought water with them but had hit a large bump on the track and lost the barrel and most of the water.

The crew waited anxiously for the digger. Looking over to the left, Josh shouted, “Oh great! Here they are now, and it looks like he has brought a team with him.”

Geo, the head of the rescue team, also brought food, sandwiches, and fruit. The TV crew ate and drank and got ready for a real live television rescue. The viewers would love this. as long as the baby elephant was saved, but be wailing if the baby died.

It was baking hot and the rescue was making the team thirsty and very tired. Tempers were flaring and drinks of water were taken regularly.

At last they managed to free the baby and she was more than ready for her drink.

Josh looked up and said to the team that had rescued the animal, “I don’t suppose you know where the water hole is that the herd drink from, do you?”

I certainly do, Sir, and it’s about 11 and a half kilometres from here.” Geo was happy to help.

Uh oh, what are you thinking now, Josh?”

Well, after all the hard work of rescue how about reuniting this baby with her mother?”

Geo looked up and added, “It’s not too far, we could load the baby up on the truck and take her there.”

The rescue team were happy that they were going to be on television and make some cash.

They became emotional as the mother was delighted to be reunited with her baby. They watched and felt emotional when the mother and her baby ran towards each other. They took many pictures as she took mother’s milk. The team felt good to think that they had helped to make this a good outcome for all.

They named the baby Ella and the work they had done was extremely popular on the well known television programme.

The television crew still seek information about Ella, and they celebrated when she had her first young one.

These days Ella is teaching her young about the deep well, and to avoid it.

Josephine Smith

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