Monday 4 January 2021


 Today, we wrote Flash Fiction to a Formula, on the spot, in 20 minutes!

This is the FORMULA:

I woke up early, because…

I looked out of the window and saw…

Suddenly/ Then I realised…

This is what I wrote, and I hope that the other participants will let me have their stories...


I woke up early, because it was my birthday, and I expected there to be presents all over the floor. If you’ve been given three wishes by a little bearded man whose life you’ve saved by fishing him out of a drain, then…

But when I got out of bed, I didn’t tread on anything, except my trousers and the arm of the Action Man I had last Christmas, which I kicked out of the way. Maybe the little bearded man was deaf. “I want a GIANT present!” I shouted. Then I heard a noise outside.

I looked out of the window, and saw… a large area of dull green moleskin cloth where the sky should be! Then I heard a voice, so loud it made the house shake!


Then I realised you have to be very careful when you make wishes… especially when you think your giant present will have smashed your dad’s greenhouse.

Everything was the way it had been when I woke up. I knew, because I trod on the Action Man’s arm as I went back to bed, and it hurt. (But I wasn’t wasting my last wish on that!)

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